Gadsby, Hannah
Neu Ten Steps to Nanette: A Memoir Situation

ôThere is nothing stronger than a broken woman who has rebuilt herself,ö Hannah Gadsby declared in their show Nanette, a scorching critique of the way society conducts public debates about marginalized communities. When it premiered on Netflix, it left audiences captivated by their blistering honesty and their singular ability to take viewers from rolling laughter to devastated silence. Ten Steps to Nanette continues GadsbyÆs tradition of confounding expectations and norms, properly introducing us to one of the most explosive, formative voices of our time.
Gadsby grew up as the youngest of five children in an isolated town in Tasmania, where homosexuality was illegal until 1997. They perceived their childhood as safe and ônormal,ö but as they gained an awareness of their burgeoning queerness, the outside world began to undermine the ôvulnerably thin veneerö of their existence. After moving to mainland Australia and receiving a degree in art history, Gadsby found themselves adrift, working itinerant jobs and enduring years of isolation punctuated by homophobic and sexual violence. At age twenty-seven, without a home or the ability to imagine their own future, they were urged by a friend to enter a stand-up competition. They won, and so began their career in comedy.

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Personen: Gadsby, Hannah

Schlagwörter: Biographie Englisch LGBTQIA+

FS.E Gad

Gadsby, Hannah:
Ten Steps to Nanette: A Memoir Situation / Hannah Gadsby. - o.Oa : Random House GmbH, 2023. - 400 S.
ISBN 978-1-984819-80-2 14,60

Zugangsnummer: 0040807001
FS.E - Sachlit.-Buch