Tyler, Anne
Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant A Novel

Pearl Tull is nearing the end of her life but not of her memory. It was a Sunday night in 1944 when her husband left the little row house on BaltimoreÆs Calvert Street, abandoning Pearl to raise their three children alone: Jenny, high-spirited and determined, nurturing to strangers but distant to those she loves; the older son, Cody, a wild and incorrigible youth possessed by the lure of power and money; and sweet, clumsy Ezra, PearlÆs favorite, who never stops yearning for the perfect family that could never be his own.

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Personen: Tyler, Anne

Schlagwörter: Novelle Amerika Englisch, Amerikanisch

FS.E Tyl

Tyler, Anne:
Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant : A Novel / Anne Tyler. - New York : Ballantine Books, 2008. - 325 S.
ISBN 978-0-449-91159-4

Zugangsnummer: 0027644001
FS.E - Sachlit.-Buch